Jasmina Trhulj
Jasmina Trhulj is a Diploma Electrical Engineer for Power Systems employed as Head of Electricity Unit at the Energy Community Secretariat in Vienna. Her 24-year professional career is dedicated to the development of the electricity markets in line with the EU acquis. Currently, her responsibilities include activities on facilitating electricity market developments in the Energy Community Contracting Parties and their integration at regional and European level.
Her career in the energy sector started as a research and development assistant at Mihajlo Pupin Institute in Belgrade. She was responsible for development of software applications for power system operation and control. She obtained seven years of regulatory experience at the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS), where she was employed as senior expert for electricity, responsible for the development and monitoring of the electricity market in Serbia.
Since May 2013, she has been employed at the Energy Community Secretariat, initially as Energy Market Expert in the Electricity Unit. In addition to her tasks as Head of Unit, she was also a manager of an EU-funded project for regional energy market connectivity in the Western Balkans.
She graduated from the School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is author of number of paper and articles published and presented in the national and international conferences.
Day 1 Friday, May 31st
Response to the energy crisis in region and EU
Panel 1