
Maja Turković

Director for Europe CWP Global

SVP Business Development Europe, CWP Global
Maja is a wind industry development pioneer given that she is a co-owner and director of the first large scale wind project in Serbia as well as engaged in the Wind Energy Association of Serbia.
She has more than two decades of experience in the renewable energy sector, encompassing a wide range of different roles and engagements starting from the Electric enterprise restructuring up to RES policy creation and development. One of her most notable engagements was the function she had as an Assistant to the Minister of energy in the Ministry of energy in the Government of Serbia.
Maja possesses a Master Degree in the electric power systems engineering, conferred by the Faculty of electrical engineering in Belgrade and an MBA diploma of Imperial College business school in London.
Her contribution to the community is reflected in her active engagement with several NGOs devoted to empowering the youth in Serbia, a membership in Pexim foundation. She is a cofounder of WISE SEE network (Women in sustainable energy) devoted to empowering of women in the industry. Furthermore, she is constantly working on innovative ways to decarbonize our planet, by actively participating in the regional network of independent research centres for the energy transition SE3T.net.

14:30 16:00

Day 1 Friday, May 31st

Optimal energy mix for the future and RES integration challenges

Panel 2