
Željko Pekić

Executive Officer of Directorate for Renewable Energy EPCG

Zeljko Pekic was born in Bar, where he completed the primary school. He completed Secondary School of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica where he also graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He was employed as system engineer, senior laboratory assistant and assistant at the Maritime Faculty of Kotor for eight and a half years. He was engaged as a system security specialist in CKB for a year, and then as a system security specialist in EPCG also for the period of one year. He currently holds the position of the manager of 30MW Solari 3000+ and 500+ projects in EPCG, as well as manager of the project 70MW Solari 5000+, as well as Executive manager of the Directorate for Renewable Energy Sources.


10:00 10:30

Day 2 Saturday, June 3rd

Presentation: SOLARI 5000+ PROJECT

EPCG NET in focus