
Ivan Koprivica

Executive Manager of Tehnical Affairs of MHERS

Ivan Koprivica was born on 21 October 1986 in Bijeljina. He completed preliminary and high school of electrical engineering in Trebinje. Upon completion of high school, he enrolled in the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, study program Energetics, Electronics and Telecommunications, course Electric Power Systems, where he obtained a master’s degree Engineer of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He defended his master thesis in 2012.

Since 1 April 2012 he has been employed in the Mixed Holding “Electric Power Utility of the Republic of Srpska”, Parent Company Trebinje, where performed the following activities: independent dispatcher, lead dispatcher, head of the generation management department, main engineer for the investment maintenance, head of the department for relations with regulators and mutual economic relations.

He has been appointed the executive officer for technical affairs since 12 April 2022.

He speaks English.

12:00 13:30

Day 1 Friday, May 31st

Response to the energy crisis in region and EU

Panel 1